Friday, January 4, 2008

To Son; Sewer Farts, and No Fun In The City...

Hi son,

The City of Calgary Water and Sewer dept. just left my apt. Remember me telling you about the big sewer farts coming up my kitchen sink? for 2 years now, and the black slime in with my soaking dishes, which I have to drain and sanitize everthing before I can use the sink again? Remember me telling you about reporting this to the landlord and he said it cant be happening cause that problem was fixed before I moved in and me telling him that if it was fixed why would I be telling him about it... (what a meathead!!)

Would this extra feature of presoak with free suds from somewhere else, affect my rent.. oh no not an increase!! I promise I wont tell the oher tenants, so that they dont get jealous!! Maybe he is hoping that I will personally pay a plumber, like I eventually did, having the bathroom sink taps replaced and installed...or had new ceiling light fixtures installed at my expense, as the old ones were so antiquated that light bulbs were contantly poppin in protest.

Do I look like I make lawyers wages?!!

Well I called the City about the sewer problems the other day..cause it seems to be getting worse as it does in the winter, you know along with slow drains. As usual, even if you are speaking to a real person you feel that you are on an automated service and if you dont choose the right options etc. Eg.. Now how would you describe the odour... well its very putrid, makes my eyes water and my stomach sick and I feel like IM going to faint....

oh, no mam.... choose between a) rotten eggs or b) whatever..... Well I dont know...(feeling under great pressure) what do rotten eggs smell like?!

"Well we cant send a truck out unless you indicate the odour"..... ok, well umm.. what about fresh cowpies or old dog farts x100....or maybe what about my ex husbands morning breath?..... excuse me mam, we have to put you on hold...... so I sit there...Dam was she filing her nails?.... Hello mam, we advise you to open all of your windows and vacate the premises and we will have a truck out there within 2 hours... they are very busy.

Well ok, that is understandable.

This call took place at 3:20 pm on Wed. ... 6:30 pm .. Hello Im just calling back to see how we are doing with that truck coming over to check out this problem...Oh yes, they are so busy, they will get to you soon, the service order was marked "urgent'. Oh ok. 10:30 pm phone wakes me up... It looks like that truck wont be able to make it tonight. hmmmmm well I had to go to bed as I had a terrible headache but I still have the windows open. Overnight its -15 and maybe I or Ro peed the bed, it was so cold!! haha!

Friday 1:30 am ( Im awake), Ro had just ;fluffed in my face, she was trying to stay warm undr my reading light.. and it reminded me of the sewer guys who had not shown up yet. Am I Forest Gumps ugly stepsister? I called them ...What has happened with that service order? Im not very happy having done as instructed, my windows are still open..and no one calls back to indicate anything or shows up... I feel that my concern is not validated and in you not doing so, are indicating that either you think that Im a lunatic or you are not concerned with my safety and health. ...

Well let us know when it happens again! WHAT?

7:30 am..this morning. my phone rings... This is the City .. we will have a truck there within an hour ... blaha blah.... So they show up... Like deailing with the landlord, its square dancing time again... round and round we go..wish I had a crinoline!! and tap shoes...pass the buck... whats the prob and who is responsible to fix it? They check out my pee trap under the sink.. and then say they will go outside and check the lines.. then also if I get the smell again, I'm to call them.

I told them that by the time they get here, it will be like it never happened unless Ive been knocked out by the gases. Perhaps next time i will just hold a match over the sink and see if my eyebrows blow off... aaaah IT IS CO2!! , highly noxious and combustible... Im sick of plucking them anyways......The I can just call the Fire Dept and an Ambulance for myself, if Im able. Why should they be left out of this true story?!

So such is my life, trying to get things checked out in this hell hole. I told them that the guy who used to live here in this apt. took another place upstairs.. I have noticed that Im beginning to look like him, and we are not related, with big bags under my eyes etc. I am greatly concerned about the probs in this apt. blah blah haha ahaha lol.. Im such a clown and and oh, such a unique woman!! Yeh, just put "Funny girl" on my tombstone!! Ps. with my early morning wakeup at 4:30 by the caravan of "out of service buses" rumbling, 12 ft from my window its a very interesting location. The noise and pollution is also not extra on my rent yet!! What a life!! Where is Sylvestor Stallone when I need him?!! haha

Ps. still.... Also you might be happy to hear that I finally got a case # on the vandalism and breakin report for my car in the apartment parking lot, over the jolly holiday season. Everytime I go out, now, I have to open the passenger door, crawl over and unlatch the driver door from inside, it does not open from outside... this is wonderful exercise but does not help my slipped disc problem and is especially fun, if Im parked on a sloping spot as then, I have to repeat this procedure a few times before it works. NOT! Dont worry, I will get it fixed SOMEHOW.

Victim Assistance says if the perpetrator is apprehended they my be able to offer some retribution.. I can always get that desperate 'stalker guy", who Ive been avoiding, not wanting to encourage any thoughts, that could be miscontrued, to take a look, he loves it when I need him... like when I suddenly had a flat tire last month..and then also he pointed out a big dent on the hood of my car.."Oh was that there before, he exclaims"? I wondered how he noticed it with all the dust on the car and it was dark, hmmm? and then last night he called and in the conversation, repeated a comment, verbatum, that I had made to someone else on a long distance call, the night before... very eeerie, but not interesting huh? Was he visiting my neighbourhood and lurking around my open windows? Well thanks son, for letting me vent.. am I crazy yet? its your turn.. tell me all about the morons driving like maniacs on the 401!! Are you making igloos out in the back yard, on your days off? How is your leg wound healing etc...

As Always .. Your Maman xxxooooxxxooo


I have three wonderful children, one of which is posting my writing here for me, to induce my freedom of speech, and ability to clear a million in the bank before I turn 40, Ok, so I aready hit 40, but noone has to know!

This blog will be about me venting about renting, the City of Calgary, the cat called,"Roe" and everything else!
